Category: Bitcoin news

Bitcoin news

Bitcoin Could Rise to $75K

Guido Buehler informed CNBC’s Arjun Kharpal at Wednesday’s Crypto Finance Conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland, that they believe the price is going up. According to the boss of the regulated Swiss bank, their internal valuation

Bitcoin Is Now Accepted as A Currency in Russia
Bitcoin news

El Salvador’s Bitcoin Adoption and Its US Dollar Reserves

According to economic experts, El Salvador’s bitcoin venture might start a series of reactions that reduce its dollar reserves. On Tuesday, after El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law got into effect. Therefore economic forecasters assume most Salvadorans

dollar and bitcoin
Bitcoin news

1 Bitcoin = 1 million dollars?

The head of Kraken, one of the US’s digital currency exchanges, Jesse Powell, is a big believer in Bitcoin. Powell has argued that bitcoin could reach a million dollars in the next decade.  Extreme predictions

The price of Bitcoin
Bitcoin news

Bitcoin bull sees digital currency at $60,000

Bitcoin is gradually gaining ground on gold, the traditional store of value. The data for Wednesday showed that one ounce of gold could only buy 0.0352 Bitcoin, the lowest amount of BTC in history. This indicates

Bitcoin will be illegal in Russia soon
Bitcoin news

Bitcoin will be illegal in Russia soon is one of the significant cryptocurrency websites in Russia. According to the current data, the website has got banned after local lawmakers passed the cryptocurrency regulation. As we know, is an aggregator of