Category: Ethereum news

Ethereum Could Overthrow Bitcoin Within Five Years
Cryptocurrency news

Ethereum Could Overthrow Bitcoin Within Five Years

Bitcoin (BTC) investors are preparing for a controversial rival. Blockchain and analytics platform Blockchair claims there’s an altcoin coming for the top crypto crown within the next five years. The firm’s lead developer, Nikita Zhavoronkov,

Ethereum Could Launch its Second Version in July
Ethereum news

Ethereum Could Launch its Second Version in July

If the highly-anticipated Ethereum (ETH) upgrade won’t go through blockades of further delays, it could launch as soon as July 2020. The developer firm, BitMEX, the research could push the crypto up from proof-of-work to

Ethereum Studio ConsenSys Lays Off 14% in Shifting Focus, blockchain
Ethereum news

Ethereum Studio ConsenSys Lays Off 14% in Shifting Focus

As part of ConsenSys’ transition into focusing on its Investments portfolio, the Ethereum firm plans to reduce its headcount by 14%. However, the company didn’t confirm how many people would get affected by the cut.

Ethereum Might Skyrocket 80% by May
Ethereum news

Ethereum Might Skyrocket 80% by May

Aggregated cryptocurrency markets have surged alongside Ethereum (ETH) today, catching upward tailwinds made Bitcoin (BTC) boost to highs of $8,800. The rally pushed ETH to the $150 region to outperform BTC and a group of