Google Meet Rolls Out AI-Powered Note-Taking Feature

On Wednesday, Google Meet launched its artificial intelligence (AI)-led called Take Notes for Me feature for its Google Workspace customers.

The tool is like Meet’s transcription feature, but it only alternatively transcribes and summarizes the session. Google first announced the note-taking tool at its last Cloud Next conference.

However, it exclusively supports the English language for now, but it could likely make missing an important meeting bearable.

Furthermore, the feature automatically jots down notes in a Google Doc and attaches the file to the calendar event after the session. The note-taking tool will also send the e-doc to the meeting organizer and anyone who turned on the feature.

According to reports, the Take Notes for Me feature can also improve meeting accessibility. For instance, for persons with disabilities (PWD) like the deaf or hard of hearing, the notes file can produce a written record of the session.

Moreover, the tool is helpful for people who have trouble processing English spoken language and jotting down notes simultaneously.

Reports suggested that Take Notes for Me is a valuable addition to Google Meet, potentially enhancing productivity, efficiency, and meeting accessibility.

Meanwhile, Google aims to finish the rollout for all Google Workspace users by September 10th, 2024. However, reports indicated that the accuracy of the new Google Meet feature is uncertain.

Picture-in-Picture Mode of Google Meet Officially Launch

According to reports, Google has announced that Meet will have a Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode when users shift to a different tab.

However, because the rollout is gradual, it might take some time for all users to access the feature. Google revealed that it could take up to 15 days for everyone to have access.

Meanwhile, the tool will be compatible with all account types, including personal and Workspace accounts.

Nevertheless, it is not supported on other web browsers or mobile devices, so users must be on a desktop using Google Chrome for it to work.

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