Lawyer condemns Bankman supporters

Lawyer Condemns Bankman Supporters

A lawyer by the name of John Deaton, who supports the ripple coin, has made statements recently. He has pointed to certain individuals who support Sam Bankman. He stated that news outlets should not consider interviewing such sympathisers. The lawyer supports crypto in general and evidently wants to promote a more respectable reputation for the crypto industry.

This is an especially vital time for the sector as the Sam Bankman Fried, or SBF, trial goes forward. His firm, FTX, collapsed last year due to questionable practices, and charges against him are going ahead now.

He further went on to say that individuals stating Bankman was a man with good intentions who made mistakes are not trustworthy in managing finances.

The whole trial and Bankman specifically have created tension in the crypto community. It has divided it quite firmly. Some individuals feel they have legitimate concerns with the fraud charges courts raised against him. Others believe the media has portrayed him in an unfair light.

Sam Bankman Fried’s Ongoing Trial

Despite the fraud charges and the collapse of FTX, news outlets kept interviewing Bankman. Those who were crypto-positive portrayed him as a sort of crypto hero. As we said though, some crypto communities felt uneasy with this and caused a backlash.

Outlets like Cointelegraph are keeping a close eye on Sam Bankman Fried news in terms of the trial as they prosecute him on 7 different counts of fraud and conspiracy.

There has been some recovery on FTX’s part so far. They have regained $7 billion in terms of assets. In any case, many want to put Bankman up as an example of what not to do for others in the crypto industry. Then, the sector may grow into a form with more regulation and respect. Deaton also believes eyes should be on Bankman’s parents, who may have had a part in encouraging him to act irresponsibly.

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