Coffee Settles Lower amid Speedy Brazilian Harvest
On Wednesday, coffee prices went down due to favorable drier weather conditions in Brazil that boosted the crop’s harvesting process. Coffee futures for its September delivery declined by -0.23% to
On Wednesday, coffee prices went down due to favorable drier weather conditions in Brazil that boosted the crop’s harvesting process. Coffee futures for its September delivery declined by -0.23% to
On Tuesday, cocoa prices went up, hitting a 12-year high due to the tighter outlook for its futures supplies from the Ivory Coast. Cocoa futures for its September delivery rose
On Sunday, rice prices increased due to pricier importing expenses to cover sellers charging domestically-grown grains. Rough rice futures for September delivery increased by 0.52% to $15.94 per hundredweight on
On Friday, crude oil prices inched higher due to lower US crude inventories and more robust fuel imports by China. West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures for September delivery rose
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