Gold Prices Supported by Dollar Weakness
On Thursday, gold prices rose to their highest in two months, led by a weaker US dollar and higher expectations for an aggressive rate hike. Gold futures for August delivery
On Thursday, gold prices rose to their highest in two months, led by a weaker US dollar and higher expectations for an aggressive rate hike. Gold futures for August delivery
On Wednesday, wheat prices rose when Russia stated a withdrawal from a deal that enables grains to be exported across the Black Sea. Wheat futures for September delivery went up
On Tuesday, cocoa prices reported slight gains amid support from a supply reduction in the Ivory Coast as farmers shipped lower outputs. Cocoa futures for September delivery went up by
On Monday, corn prices went up surprisingly despite farmers from the US planting more crops, increasing acreage. Corn futures for December delivery rose by 1.29% to $520.62 per metric ton
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