Oil Prices Surge due to an Increasing Demand
On Thursday, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, including Russia (OPEC+) said global oil demand would rise this summer. West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures for May delivery rose
On Thursday, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, including Russia (OPEC+) said global oil demand would rise this summer. West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures for May delivery rose
On Wednesday, coffee prices went down amid a boost in outputs caused by ample rainfall in Brazil, which is helpful to the crop. Coffee futures for May delivery fell to
On Wednesday, natural gas fell due to growing production from oil formations through 2050, having an ongoing long-term trend. Natural gas futures for May delivery declined by 0.27% to $2.22
On Monday, sugar prices in India climbed by over 6.00% in two weeks and are likely to go higher due to an expected production drop. Sugar futures for May delivery
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