Crude Oil Rose amid Chinese Demand Recovery
On Monday, crude oil prices rose due to the recovery of China’s demand while underinvestment issues keep output limits in place. Crude oil futures of April delivery improved by 0.88%
On Monday, crude oil prices rose due to the recovery of China’s demand while underinvestment issues keep output limits in place. Crude oil futures of April delivery improved by 0.88%
On Friday, corn prices improved due to South America’s dry weather, boosting costs for the market for the past weeks. US corn futures for March delivery increased by 0.13% to
In March, Pertamina, an Indonesian state-owned refiner, would increase its gasoline import before the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan. Gasoline RBOB futures for March delivery went up by 0.45% to
On Tuesday, the Chinese government said that it is pushing for an increase in soybean outputs to improve grain independence. US soybean futures for March delivery went down by -0.45%
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