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Comments Rating 4.68 (430 reviews)
Household debt surpasses $16 trillion

Household debt surpasses $16 trillion

Household debt exceeded $15 trillion for the first time in the third quarter, as increasing prices pushed up balances for homes and autos, the New York Federal Reserve announced Tuesday.

Youth activists at COP26

Youth activists at COP26

Youth activists on the frontlines of the climate crisis have arrived at the COP26 summit to force for an end to inaction, forcing politicians and business leaders to do all

COP26 talks reach their final week

The COP26 climate summit opened its second and closing week of discussions on Monday. National delegations worked behind closed doors to strike the all-important goal of capping global warming at


Brazil coffee farmers recieve lawsuit for defaults

After hundreds of Brazilian coffee farmers have failed to deliver the pre-agreed orders, many commodities traders are pursuing legal actions. Some of these traders include: including Louis Dreyfus, Olam, and

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