Apple Lets Users Unlock Phones without Removing the Mask
A year into the global pandemic, the giant company Apple has solved how to unlock iPhones with Face ID without removing your face mask. In an era, where people are wearing masks
A year into the global pandemic, the giant company Apple has solved how to unlock iPhones with Face ID without removing your face mask. In an era, where people are wearing masks
Back in 2020, the giant company Google officially announced a substantial Google Maps makeover. An American multinational technology company, specializing in Internet-related services promised to provide users with more street-level details. Google
Telegram, instant messaging app, has introduced a new feature which will enable users to transfer their chat history from apps like WhatsApp. Moreover, the new feature allows Telegram users to transfer documents
The Novavax vaccine has been shown to be 90% effective in large-scale UK trials. The new coronavirus vaccine is effective against the new virus variant found in the United Kingdom.
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