Yahoo Unveils a New Era with Its AI-Powered News App

Yahoo has resurrected Artifact with its latest artificial intelligence (AI) News app, with a Key Takeaways tool that can give users a bullet summary of an article.

Other app tools include Top Stories, which gives users trending stories and will soon add Key Takeaway summaries. People can also block articles with unwanted keywords and strain publishers to their liking.

Furthermore, similar to Artifact, the Yahoo News app allows users to flag content like clickbait headlines, which the AI can rewrite to something more appropriate.

Meanwhile, starting Friday, people can download the News app on iOS and Android for free. The software, previously dubbed Artifact, was created by Instagram co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger.

The web service provider acquired the news reader app in April, but the firm has not disclosed whether it will restore all of its features.

Moreover, Yahoo, which currently has 185 million monthly visitors, aims to enhance its news app with the machine intelligence engine behind Artifact. This significant move could help the firm leap into the AI race.

Kat Downs Mulder, the company’s senior vice president and general manager, said the update is an overall revamp of its News app. According to reports, Yahoo’s revamped software looks well-organized, uncluttered, and easy to navigate.

Gamification Element Adds to Yahoo News App

Yahoo News app users will have an element of gamification to track how frequently they read and will have badges as a reward.

For instance, reading one article labels you a Learner, and 250 reads tag a user as Sage, which the company will identify the user as one of their top readers within the software.

Additionally, transforming the News app into an Artifact model could enable new features across Yahoo’s platform. Downs Mulder anticipates a future where reading badges offer more tangible benefits.

For example, individuals recognized as Sages might be granted higher authority or credibility within the larger Yahoo community.


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