Category: Experienced Level Trading

The possible influencers on the stock market, part 2
Experienced Level Trading

The possible influencers on the stock market, part 2

Last time, we started discussing the potential influences on the stock market. This mainly meant looking at what may affect the opinions of investors. This thus further meant taking a brief look at the sort

The possible influencers on the stock market
Experienced Level Trading

The possible influencers on the stock market

In the next few articles, we shall have a discussion on the most important influencers on the stock market. Despite the complexity that one may see in the market, there is one thing to keep

The advantages and disadvantage of cryptocurrencies
Experienced Level Trading

The advantages and disadvantage of cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies, being as new as they are, are still an uncertain technology. As such, they have their balance of benefits and disadvantages. Here, we will discuss some of these. Advantages of cryptos There are several

How cryptocurrencies are currently regulated
Experienced Level Trading

How cryptocurrencies are currently regulated

As we discussed before, cryptocurrencies will not be very useful until governments start regulating them. This will reduce their volatility and boost peoples’ trust in them. As it stands, there is still plenty of headway

Cryptocurrencies and their current situation
Experienced Level Trading

Cryptocurrencies and their current situation

Cryptocurrencies, while a lot more popular than they were, are currently in a sort of grey area. They are popular enough so that everyone is talking about them and new ones pop up all over

Cryptocurrencies, a short history
Experienced Level Trading

Cryptocurrencies, a short history

If we want to learn about cryptocurrencies, it would not hurt to take a brief look at their history. They have not been around for too long, so there is really not too much one

Blockchains and cryptomining, part 2
Experienced Level Trading

Blockchains and cryptomining, part 2

So, last time, we had an overview of what blockchain is. This time, we will explore crypto mining, a process by which people can profit off of a blockchain. This involves real-life people in the