On Monday, Uber Technologies introduced electric vehicles (EVs) in India to adopt clean air amid the electrification of public transport. Its stock price dropped by -4.00% to $34.77 per share on Friday. However, it is anticipated to rise by 0.20% to $34.84 apiece in the upcoming session. It was not able to trade on Monday due to the holiday, Washington’s Birthday.
Their fleet partners will purchase the EVs from Tata Motors, India’s most excellent electric car maker.
Moreover, Uber plans on introducing 25,000 vehicles over three years to compete with BluSmart. Its rival is an electric mobility start-up that took the lead in India’s electric taxi space.
In 2040, the company has a 100.00% target for its ride to be zero-emission, as well as public transport or micro-mobility.
According to Prabhjeet Singh, Uber India and Southeast Asia President, they will be a catalyst for accelerating the EV ecosystem. He said multiple factors should come together for the plan to take off. They need to have affordable vehicles from automakers with long range. Also, they need the financing atmosphere to improve and for charging infrastructures to be more common around the area.
Additionally, Singh said they do not rush without fully examining the economics and trade-offs while looking forward to significant transitions. Furthermore, they are committed to bringing sustainable and shared mobility to India.
Pride Ride Offered by Uber for Free at Mardi Gras
Uber will offer a free “hop-on, hop-off” ride on its party bus through the city center during World Pride and Mardi Gras. It will be from February 24 to 26 and March 03 to 05. In addition, the firm will provide free pool trips in going around town.
Also, it will cover a maximum amount of $100.00 a ride for any single pool trip going to the Mardi Gras parade. This will include rides booked through its app from 10 pm on February 24 to 26.
However, the deal is valid for the available rides on Uber Pool, while the $100.00 will only cover the fare change. It will not include any tolls, extra free, or change that will be collected along the way.