Category: Trading Education

Chart analysis topics
Experienced Level Trading

Chart analysis topics

Beginning in trading always necessitates looking at charts. These tell-all traders what the current and historical prices of an asset are. With this information, they can also figure out future asset prices. However, these can

A brief discussion on futures contracts
Experienced Level Trading

A brief discussion on futures contracts

Futures contracts are very important for the modern economy. In fact, they were important for older economies as well. Some even believe it was the first financial contract out there. These types of contracts are

Forex drivers
Experienced Level Trading

Forex market drivers, part 2

We had a discussion on the forex market in the last article. Specifically, we looked at how the economy of a country can affect its currency. This time, however, we will be looking at the

Forex market drivers
Experienced Level Trading

Forex market drivers

Over the last few articles, we discussed the influences in the cryptocurrency market. This time, though, we would like to have a look at the forex market as well. It is an absolutely enormous marketplace,

crypto influences
Experienced Level Trading

More essential crypto influences

Last time, we discussed some of the major crypto influences you should be aware of. Mainly, we had a look at the news. This time, we shall dive into even more of the most important

Essential crypto influences
Experienced Level Trading

Essential crypto influences

The crypto market, more than any other market, is subject to our opinion of it. This is because most cryptos do not have any ties with more stable assets, like gold. Overall, this means that

Experienced Level Trading

Choosing a broker, final points

Over the last few articles, we have discussed how to choose a broker. Now that you may have chosen one, what should you do? Contacting your broker Make sure you know how to contact your

How to choose a financial broker, researching
Experienced Level Trading

The best way to find the right financial broker

Every broker is different, and you need to make up your own mind on what is best for you. Just because they fit into one broad category does not mean you know how they function.