Cocoa Improved on Unfavorable Weather in West Africa
On Wednesday, cocoa prices increased due to the recent heavy rain in West Africa, which negatively affected crops and slowed harvest. Cocoa futures for September delivery went up by 0.34%
On Wednesday, cocoa prices increased due to the recent heavy rain in West Africa, which negatively affected crops and slowed harvest. Cocoa futures for September delivery went up by 0.34%
On Tuesday, crude oil prices declined ahead of the American Petroleum Institute data, highlighting the summer fuel demand. West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures for August delivery dropped by -1.11%
On Monday, wheat prices went up after its most significant exporter, Russia, acknowledged concerns about grain shipments. Wheat futures for September delivery increased by 3.08% to $769.00 per metric ton
On Friday, coffee prices decreased on forecasts of good weather patterns in Brazil, reducing concern about frost. Coffee futures for September delivery dropped by -1.04% to $168.48 per metric ton
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