Gold Prices Dropped due to Federal Reserve Pause
On Thursday, gold dipped as mixed signals from the Federal Reserve showed steady rates from the central bank but warned for more hikes. Gold futures for August delivery went down
On Thursday, gold dipped as mixed signals from the Federal Reserve showed steady rates from the central bank but warned for more hikes. Gold futures for August delivery went down
On Wednesday, natural gas prices plummeted amid stronger production from a Permian Basin, while inflation data showed food and rent rose. Gas futures for July delivery went down by -0.30%
On Tuesday, cocoa prices extended last week’s hike to a five-week high due to unfavorable weather events that could cut production. Cocoa futures went up by 0.96% to $3,160.00 per
On Monday, wheat prices increased as European futures had a three-week high since dry crop weather supported the market. Wheat contracts for July delivery went up by 0.32% to $632.00
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