Commodity price movement in China might cause inflation
As steel prices continue to grow, It is highly believed that the commodities will experience the same overall price increase. Chinese steel mills’ decision to raise prices amongst rising raw
As steel prices continue to grow, It is highly believed that the commodities will experience the same overall price increase. Chinese steel mills’ decision to raise prices amongst rising raw
The soaring commodity prices threaten China’s economic growth and the purchasing power of its citizens. Everything, from copper and steel used in construction to coal used to heat houses, is
Oil and gas giants are getting ready to hold annual shareholder meetings in the upcoming weeks. The world’s largest corporate emitters are under pressure to set short, medium, and long-term
Copper and iron ore prices hit all-time highs on Friday. World hopes for a global economic recovery which increases demands for raw materials. Spot iron ore surpassed US$200 per ton
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