Cocoa Prices Increased due to Weak Ivory Coast Output
On Friday, cocoa climbed amid reduced production from the Ivory Coast and a weaker dollar buying to cover futures. Cocoa futures for May delivery traded firmer by 4.68% to $2,738.50
On Friday, cocoa climbed amid reduced production from the Ivory Coast and a weaker dollar buying to cover futures. Cocoa futures for May delivery traded firmer by 4.68% to $2,738.50
On Friday, corn prices climbed, benefiting from China’s strong demand and purchases, while Thursday marked its third consecutive rise. Corn futures for May delivery increased by 0.73% to $636.62 per
On Thursday, prices of soybeans hiked due to a drought crisis in Argentina, leading to weaker grain production. Soybeans futures for May delivery increased by 0.36% to $1,493.12 per bushel
On Wednesday, natural gas prices went down since new plants were proposed and approved, boosting supply and can fill the gas market. Natural gas futures for April delivery declined by
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